On Thursday, April 29th, 2010 at 11:38
    Lowongan Kerja METRO Department Store Mei 2010.
METRO Department Store is one ofthe leading retailers in Indonesia operating 5 stores, 4 in Jakarta andone in Bandung. The first METRO store opened in 1991 at Mal PondokIndah catering to the needs of the residents of the exclusive PondokIndah and surrounding residential districts.
Withthe success of METRO Pondok Indah, the second store at Plaza Senayanopened in 1995 bringing another METRO to the central business districtand the posh central residential areas.
In October 2001, a thirdstore followed in Bandung, at the newest and largest shopping mall, Bandung Supermal, bringingshopping to another level for the population of Bandung. Thelatest addition to the group was added in February 2002 at Mal TamanAnggrek, giving access to METRO customers living in West Jakarta. The 4department stores with more than 500,000 square feet of retail spaceoffer a wide variety of merchandise from well-known international labelsto famous local brands. METRO, now a familiar household name, willcontinue to showcase retail merchandising at its best for Indonesians. Asa leading full-lined store, METROs top priority is focused on servingthe shopping needs of our customers. Our commitment is to serve ourcustomers with the best possible selection, quality, value and service.The companys philoshopy is to provide our customers with convenientshopping environments catering to their every need and comfort. Grabthe most exciting career opportunity and grow with us, METRO DepartmentStore, the first multinational retail company in Asia Pacific qualifiedby the ISO 9001:2000.
- Yourmain responsibilities are to develop & execute strategies forassortments, vendor management, pricing and marketing, as well as tomaximize sales & profitability, and outclass the competition withcreativity & entrepreneurialism to drive the business.
- Youare expected to have good vision in trend of lifestyle as well as stronganalytical, problem solving, negotiation & interpersonal skills.Able to handle multiple priorities and projects simultaneously.Experienced with a Retail Planning System.
- You should havebuying experience for at least 3 years, preferably from retaildepartment store.
- Male/female, max age 35, min. BachelorDegree/S1. Computer literate (esp. Microsoft Office) and have goodcommand of English.
- You are responsible to assist the merchandising teamin administration aspects and in coordinating with internal as well asexternal parties to ensure the department function is well-implemented.
- Female,max. 25 years old, min. D3 graduate. Should be excellent in operatingMS Office, and have good command of English, both verbal & written.Should have at least 2 years of experience in administration field.
MANAGEMENT TRAINEE " to be stationed in Jakarta (MT-JKT) or Makassar (MT-MKS)
- METROManagement Trainee Program is designed to meet the companys demand ofSales Supervisor positions. Reporting to a Department Executive, a SalesSupervisor is stationed on the selling floor at one of our stores andis responsible for achieving the sales target by managing the people aswell as the merchandise of his/her particular department.
- If youhave strong interest to build your career in retail industry,especially in store operation functions, this is the position you shouldapply. However, since you will be part of the operation team, youshould be prepared to work at weekends and in shift-system.
- Wewelcome S1 Fresh Graduates to apply, or D3 Graduates if you already haveworking experience in retail. Being computer literate and able tocommunicate in English are required. You also ought to have goodcommunication, coordination and analytical skills, and potential to leadpeople.
OPERATIONS SECRETARY " to be stationed in Makassar (SEC-MKS)
- Your main role is tosupport the store operation in all administrational matters, as well asin coordinating store-related activities.
- You should have goodcommunication skill and fluency in English, verbal & written.Excellent in operating MS Office.
- Female, min. D3 in Secretary,max age 26 and min 2 years of experience.
TAILOR/PENJAHIT (TLR) " to be stationed in Jakarta (TLR-JKT) orMakassar (TLR-MKS)
- Yourmain responsibility is to ensure thealteration service is delivered at its best.
- Male / female,max. 26 years old, min. high school graduate with skill in tailoring.
- Tugasutama seorang Tailor adalah melakukan perbaikan/pemotongan celana yangtelah dibeli customer, sebagai bagian dari service Metro.
- Pria/wanita,usia maks. 26 th, pendidikan min. setara SMU/SMK dan memilikiketrampilan menjahit.
STORECASHIER/KASIR (SC) " tobe stationed in Jakarta (SC-JKT) or Makassar (SC-MKS)
- Male /female, max. 23 years old, min. high school graduate. Experience as acashier is an advantage.
- Min. height is 158 cm (female) and 168cm (male).
- Pria/wanita, maks. 23 th, pendidikan min. setaraSMU/SMK. Diutamakan yang telah berpengalaman sebagai Kasir min. 1 th.Ramah, jujur, teliti dan memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik.
- Berpenampilanmenarik & proporsional. Tinggi badan min. 158 cm (wanita) dan 168cm (pria).
SALES ASSISTANT/PRAMUNIAGA (SA) " to be stationed inJakarta (SA-JKT) or Makassar (SA-MKS)
- Male / female, max. 23years old, min. high school graduate.
- Min. height is 158 cm(female) and 168 cm (male).
- Pria/wanita, maks. 23 th, pendidikanmin. setara SMU/SMK. Ramah serta memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi &ketrampilan menjual yang baik.
- Berpenampilan menarik &proporsional. Tinggi badan min. 158 cm (wanita) dan 168 cm (pria).
- TheBrand Manager is responsible for the profitability and success of thebrands under his/her responsibility, in addition to developing marketing strategies, executingoperational aspects, and ongoing maintenance of the brands.
- Weexpect someone who is passionate, creative, self-starter, and has stronganalytical, interpersonal and communication skills (both English &bahasa Indonesia). Strong computer skill is required, especially MSExcel, MS Word and MS Project.
- Male / female, max. 35 years old,Bachelors degree (MBA is a plus), min. 5 years in retail brandmanagement.
- You are responsible for theimplementation of brand marketing strategies, including executingoperational & administrational aspects as well as coordinating withany other related parties.
- We expect someone who has stronganalytical and communication skills (both English & bahasaIndonesia). Strong computer skill is required, especially MS Excel, MSWord and MS Project.
- Female, max. 28 years old, Bachelorsdegree, min. 2 years in brand management, retail fashion or othersimilar position.
- You will be responsiblefor the coordination and implementation of visual merchandising /display in one of our stores.
- Male/female, age between 23 " 27.Min. D3 graduate in art or design with min. 1 year experience in relatedbackground, preferably in retail industry. Has flair for fashion andinterior decoration.
VISUALMERCHANDISING TRAINEE (VMT) [click to view detail info]
- If you have basic knowledge of interior design / fashion design, and hasstrong interest in retail fashion & merchandise display, you canbegin your career as part ofour visual merchandising team. The team isresponsible for creating the concept of our stores display &decoration, and implementing the concept to support the everypromotional event accordingly.
- Male/female, max. 25, min. S1graduate, preferably in Interior Design or Fashion Design. Has flair forfashion and unbelievably creative. Ability to operate Photoshop is anadvantage.
HUMAN RESOURCEOFFICER (HRD) " to be stationed in Makassar (HRD-MKS).
- Asthe HR representative stationed in one of our stores, your mainfunction is to work closely with the Store Operation team in providingHR services, and to ensure that all HR policies & procedures arewell implemented.You are also responsible in administering personneldata of the stores employees.
- Male / female, max. 26, min. S1graduate with 1"2 years experience in human resource/personneladministration. Thorough with details, good communication skill andcomputer literate in Microsoft office are required.
- Your main responsibilities are managing companysmonthly cash flow & daily monitoring of account payables &receivables. You are also expected to maintain good & profitablerelationship with merchant banking, as well as to manage dailycredit-card flow. You should be able to operate MS Office and tocommunicate in English.
- Male/female, 25-30 years old, min.Bachelor degree in Accounting/Finance, with at least 3 years ofexperience in finance-related area. Retail working experience is anadvantage.
- Female/Male, max. 27 years old. Min.D3-Accounting.
- Min. 3 years experience in Accounting field andknowing in handling taxes.
- Computer literate (Excel, Word).
- Workingexperience in retail industry / department store is an advantage.
- Youare responsible for checking and ensuring that all activities withinyour sub-department (account payable / account receivable) arewell-implemented. You should be able to operate MS Office and tocommunicate in English.
- Male / female, max. 30 years old, min.Bachelor degree in Finance. Should have at least 2 years related workingexperience.
Anda dapat melihat bahwa ada nilai praktis dalam mempelajari lebih banyak tentang lowongan kerja informasi kerja terbaru 2010. Dapatkah Anda memikirkan cara-cara untuk menerapkan apa yang telah dibahas sejauh ini?
FINANCE STAFF " to be stationed in Jakarta (FIN-JKT) and Makassar (FIN-MKS)
- Youare responsible to handle the checking & documentation of internalas well as external payment voucher (cash, bank, petty cash), tomaintain & prepare reporting of cash on hand, and to preparereconciliation report.
- Male/female, max. 25 years old, min. D3in Accounting / Finance with min. 1 year of experience in the sameposition.
- Ability to operate Microsoft Office is required.Experience in retail industry is an advantage. Should be able tocommunicate in English, verbal as well as written.
- You are responsible to support all departments bydeveloping coding programs based on program specification.
- Male /female, max. 30 years old, min. S1 in Computer Science with 1-2 yearsexperience as a Programmer. Has intensive knowledge in O/S HP UX, RDBMSand other programming languages. Should posses strong analytical &logical programming skills.
ITSTAFF " to be stationed in Makassar (SAA-MKS)
- Responsiblefor IT system implementation in store.
- Male, max 27 years old.Min. S1 graduate in Computer Science. Acquiring Excel, network & PC.
- Yourmain responsibilities are to manage and support a multi-site WindowsServer, including file and printer sharing, backup administration, userand group administration, troubleshooting, and software licensetracking. You are also expected to implement data backup strategy.
- Male,max 30 years old, S1 in Computer Science and min. of 5 years experiencein the same position, especially in IT infrastructure includingfirewall, virus protection and virtual private networks.
Allcandidates should have good command of English, both written and spoken.Be computer-literate, especially in operating MS Office. Workingexperience in retail industry will be an advantage. Please submityour comprehensive resume in English [the latest on MAY 31, 2010]reflecting your achievements and work experience, along with a recentcolor photograph: By post to:
HRD Department
Mal Pondok Indah Level 3 Utara
Jl. MetroPondok Indah Blok III " B
Jakarta 12310 Kindly indicate theposition applied at the top left side of envelope for quick processing.
Ore-Mail to career@metroindonesia.com (max. 100 kilobyte)
Onlyqualified candidates who meet the above qualifications will be invitedfor interviews.    
Cari Lowongan
Tags: lowongan kerja administration officer, Lowongan Kerja Brand Manager, lowongan kerja buyer, lowongan kerja cashier, lowongan kerja finance staff, lowongan kerja hr officer, lowongan kerja it staff, lowongan kerja jakarta, lowongan kerja makassar, lowongan kerja management trainee, Lowongan Kerja Mei 2010, Lowongan Kerja METRO Department Store, Lowongan Kerja Programmer, lowongan kerja sales assistant, lowongan kerja secretary, lowongan kerja treasury staffcashier d3lowongan smk bandung lowongan kerja administration officer, Lowongan Kerja Brand Manager, lowongan kerja buyer, lowongan kerja cashier, lowongan kerja finance staff, lowongan kerja hr officer, lowongan kerja it staff, lowongan kerja jakarta, lowongan kerja makassar, lowongan kerja management trainee, Lowongan Kerja Mei 2010, Lowongan Kerja METRO Department Store, Lowongan Kerja Programmer, lowongan kerja sales assistant, lowongan kerja secretary, lowongan kerja treasury staff, Posted under : Lowongan Kerja Accounting,Lowongan Kerja Administrasi,Lowongan Kerja Finance |
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Best Preparation Tips for Interviews
A couple of hours researching the company is your first step to good job interview preparation. This company information helps you to answer job interview questions effectively and to ask the most appropriate questions during the interview. Good company research techniques set you up for success. Taking some time to prepare your best interview answers to common job interview questions and practicing these before the interview is the next essential step. For comprehensive advice on answering common interview questions including sample interview answers go to common job interview questions and answers. Try to spend a night or two before the interview practicing your answers. This will give you that extra bit of confidence you need to stand out as the right candidate. Practical tips for interviews include preparing all the documentation that you need to take with you to your job interview. Make a couple of good quality copies of your CV or resume. Read through your resume the night before to familiarize yourself with the information the interviewer has about you. Be prepared to explain all details. Be aware of any red flag areas such as gaps in employment that you will probably have to address with the interviewer. For useful advice on how to deal with potentially difficult topics during the interview go to handling difficult questions. Put together a professional and tidy-looking folder to take with you to the interview. In addition to copies of your resume, include copies of your cover letter and any references you have. Have names, addresses and phone numbers of any potential references in case the interviewer asks for these. Include copies of your relevant certificates or qualifications. Make sure you have a notebook and pen so that you can jot down details during the interview. If you have a copy of the job advertisement or a job description include these in your folder together with print copies of the company background information you have sourced. You should have prepared some appropriate questions to ask the interviewer. Include a copy of these in your folder. View the comprehensive information on preparing good questions to ask in your job interview to help you prepare your interview questions. One of the most essential tips for interviews is to make sure you know where you are going, how long it will take you to get to the company and who to ask for once you get there! Call the company ahead of time and get good directions. Work out how long it will take to travel there. Give yourself sufficient time to arrive about 10 minutes early so that you can draw breath and settle down before your interview.