On Thursday, April 29th, 2010 at 11:06
To conduct marketingactivities and the processing of commercial banking products andcorporate segment Minimal S1, preferably from economics, finance,accounting, management and banking, from the PTN or PTS A or Baccreditation, minimum GPA of 3. Maximum age 35 years. Experience inhandling commercial accounts / corporate minimum of three years. Having abroad network, willing to work with targets and be able to work inteams, have the attitude of honest, hardworking, responsible. Funding Officer Commercial (FORCOM) (Placement in branches throughout Indonesia).
Conduct marketingactivities funding for institutional clients to obtain financingportfolio of healthy and profitable. Minimal S1, preferably fromeconomics, finance, accounting, management and banking, PTN, or PTS A,or B accreditation, minimum GPA of 3. Maximum age 35 years. Experiencein handling commercial accounts / corporate minimum of three years.Having a broad network, willing to work with targets and be able to workin teams, have the attitude of honest, hardworking, responsible. Consumer Sales Officer (CSO)(Placement in branches throughout Indonesia)
Consumer banking marketfinancing Minimal S1, preferably from economics, finance,accounting, management and banking, PTN or PTS kreditasi A or B, MinimumGPA 3, freshgraduate, usiam maximum 25 years. Please send anapplication letter along with complete CV to: rekrutmen@brisyariah.co.idlatest on May 14th, 2010, list the position code on email subjectspoken for. Only qualified candidates will be processed.     Cari Lowongan
Tags: lowongan kerja account officer, Lowongan Kerja Bank, lowongan kerja bank bri syariah, lowongan kerja bumn, lowongan kerja funding officer, Lowongan Kerja Mei 2010, lowongan kerja sales officerinfo kerja syariah mei 2010loker nisp syariah mei 2010 lowongan kerja account officer, Lowongan Kerja Bank, lowongan kerja bank bri syariah, lowongan kerja bumn, lowongan kerja funding officer, Lowongan Kerja Mei 2010, lowongan kerja sales officer, Posted under : Lowongan Kerja Bank,Lowongan Kerja Mei 2010 |
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Best Preparation Tips for Interviews
A couple of hours researching the company is your first step to good job interview preparation. This company information helps you to answer job interview questions effectively and to ask the most appropriate questions during the interview. Good company research techniques set you up for success. Taking some time to prepare your best interview answers to common job interview questions and practicing these before the interview is the next essential step. For comprehensive advice on answering common interview questions including sample interview answers go to common job interview questions and answers. Try to spend a night or two before the interview practicing your answers. This will give you that extra bit of confidence you need to stand out as the right candidate. Practical tips for interviews include preparing all the documentation that you need to take with you to your job interview. Make a couple of good quality copies of your CV or resume. Read through your resume the night before to familiarize yourself with the information the interviewer has about you. Be prepared to explain all details. Be aware of any red flag areas such as gaps in employment that you will probably have to address with the interviewer. For useful advice on how to deal with potentially difficult topics during the interview go to handling difficult questions. Put together a professional and tidy-looking folder to take with you to the interview. In addition to copies of your resume, include copies of your cover letter and any references you have. Have names, addresses and phone numbers of any potential references in case the interviewer asks for these. Include copies of your relevant certificates or qualifications. Make sure you have a notebook and pen so that you can jot down details during the interview. If you have a copy of the job advertisement or a job description include these in your folder together with print copies of the company background information you have sourced. You should have prepared some appropriate questions to ask the interviewer. Include a copy of these in your folder. View the comprehensive information on preparing good questions to ask in your job interview to help you prepare your interview questions. One of the most essential tips for interviews is to make sure you know where you are going, how long it will take you to get to the company and who to ask for once you get there! Call the company ahead of time and get good directions. Work out how long it will take to travel there. Give yourself sufficient time to arrive about 10 minutes early so that you can draw breath and settle down before your interview.
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